Del Monte Greece

Del Monte Greece


Client at Marcelissen


Sliver removers


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Processing peaches…
maintenance free

Del Monte is an international brand, renowned for its canned fruit and various other products. It is highly likely that most households have one or more Del Monte products on their shelves. This American-origin company boasts a rich history dating back to the late 19th century, starting in California. Since then, Del Monte has established facilities on nearly every continent to process local fruits, bringing them closer to the source and the consumer.

It is common knowledge that peaches thrive in a warm climate. Between 20% and 30% of all peach consumption originates from northern Greece, precisely in the triangle between Thessaloniki, Larisa, and Edessa. Del Monte also operates a factory in this region with its headquarters in Larisa.

Although Marcelissen had previously supplied machines to Del Monte in the United States, the collaboration with Del Monte Greece was entirely independent. This partnership was forged through our strong presence in the region, facilitated by our agent, Inteko Solutions.

The problem

Much like many other vegetable and fruit processors, Del Monte requires an efficient production process. Any form of disruption or manual handling incurs both time and money. Del Monte was inspired by the practices of competitors in the region who successfully employed Marcelissen’s Sliver Remover.

At Del Monte, product quality is always paramount. To achieve quality improvements, it was essential to enhance the precision of the sorting process, as it did not adequately support these goals at the time.

One aspect that greatly impressed Del Monte was the fact that Sliver Removers require minimal maintenance, unlike other options, thus offering a clear advantage.

The solution

The Sliver Remover is originally a unique Marcelissen innovation, specifically designed to separate tiny product particles and/or waste from sliced and whole products. During the peach-cutting process, small remnants can end up among the sliced products. Naturally, there may also be waste remnants among and on unsliced products. The Sliver Remover effectively addresses this issue.

The low-maintenance nature of the Sliver Remover was crucial for Del Monte. Following the acquisition of the first Sliver Remover in 2019, they acquired two more in 2020 and a fourth one in 2021.

The result

The Sliver Remover’s ability to tailor product sorting to customer needs, coupled with its capacity to handle industrial volumes, has allowed Del Monte to make significant strides in efficiency. Customer satisfaction speaks volumes. Del Monte Greece has been a customer for nearly 5 years and is open to implementing Marcelissen innovations within their production and processing lines.

The impact

Following our initial customer in Greece, Del Monte, and virtually all other peach processors in Northern Greece, embraced Marcelissen’s technology. With a global share of between 20% and 30% of all peach consumption, it is highly likely that many consumers have peaches at home that were processed using Marcelissen machines.