Introducing: our new technical graduate students!

Introducing: our new technical graduate students!

Since last week, our engineering/R&D department is temporarily strengthened with two graduate students. Full of energy, motivation and new ideas they will write their final thesis at Marcelissen. Sanne Boots will focus on the development of one of our abrasive peeling machines, while Luuk Peters will investigate the optimization of the user-friendliness of the control systems of our machine lines. Below, they introduce themselves briefly and tell something more about their expectations in the upcoming months.

Who are Sanne and Luuk?

Sanne is 22 years old and is currently studying Mechanical Engineering and IPO (Industrial Product Design) at Fontys in Venlo. A dual study is a busy job so she likes to spend her free time at the Scouts and she regularly gives sailing lessons. As a fanatic sailor with more than ten years of experience, this is something that is right up her alley. Luuk is a year older than his fellow graduate and studies mechatronics, also at Fontys (link again?) in Venlo. He is mainly musically inclined and is also active as a drummer in a band. Every once in a while, he also plays a round of golf, but when asking if he’s good at it, he says: ‘No, haha, I have only just started, so let’s just say that more balls fly into the water than onto the green…’.

Why did you choose your current studies?

Luuk; ‘I used to want to make roller coasters and work for a roller coaster manufacturer and I found out that this study would enable me to do so’. But during his study he also discovered that it is a very broad study and he also had an eye for the software/programming aspect. Sanne, likewise, has also had an enormous interest in technology from a very young age, and in investigating how certain things are put together and how they work. This passion was one of the reasons why she decided to combine two studies in order to gain as much knowledge as possible.

Why did you choose Marcelissen?

Both students came into contact with Marcelissen via Fontys. Sanne heard about us through the Fontys Career Days, and Luuk heard about us through former classmates who had completed an internship at Marcelissen. They both decided to seek further contact with us, which of course we were very enthusiastic about. Both Sanne and Luuk indicate that they made the conscious choice for a family-owned business, in order to experience how such an organization works on a daily basis.

What will you be doing during your graduation internship at Marcelissen?

As mentioned before, Sanne will focus on the continued improvement/development of one of our abrasive peeling machines. She will investigate which technical aspects are important for the specific target group of this machine. She is going to present us with a proposal that we can start working on in more detail this year. Luuk is going to focus on the controls of Marcelissen’s machine lines. In recent years there has already been a lot of development of the control cabinets, but Luuk will investigate how this can be designed to be even more streamlined and user-friendly for the customer.

What are you looking forward to most in the coming months?

Of course, they are both looking forward to successfully graduating and getting their bachelor’s degrees. Luuk mainly wants to gain experience in the business world and further develop his reporting skills. Both Sanne and Luuk are also very excited to get to work with their new colleagues and to further strengthen this bond, for example during the ‘vrijmibo’ and quarterly drinks.

Finally, we wish Sanne and Luuk a lot of success during this intensive but hopefully educational period in the final phase of their studies. We will keep you posted! By the way, are you interested in doing your (graduation) internship at Marcelissen? Every half year we welcome a new group of interns. Also interested? Keep an eye on the website or contact us!

To be continued…