Our definition of service
At Marcelissen we do not stop when we have created and delivered your innovative food processing solutions. We want to go the extra mile and make sure your processing solutions keep functioning at an optimal level, providing you with the highest level of added value for your end product whilst simultaneously limiting your wastage of organic substances, nutrients and food as much as possible.
We have done this for many years by taking care of your annual maintenance on-site, reupholstering your carborundum rollers at our factory instead of making you invest in new ones, personally delivering spare-parts when you’re experiencing a technical breakdown and are in urgent need of a specific part and in many more ways.
Even though this approach has proven itself in the past and has been valued greatly by our customers, we always keep asking ourselves how we can further improve our service and tailor it to changing needs of our customers. Over the past years, we noticed an increasing demand for complete service packages instead of pay-per-hour service and maintenance. After extensive collaboration and finetuning, we are therefore introducing a Marcelissen service contract and accompanying service categories.
We do this by offering different levels of service contract. By minimizing the risk of costly down-time during your production peaks and avoiding the high costs of emergency maintenance, we enable you to have a steady, high-level performance.
Marcelissen Venlo BV service engineers provide customer support in case of breakdowns causing production stops or lower quality processing. Whether by telephone or a remote check-in, simple access to Marcelissen service or software engineers often helps to avoid serious production losses. In some cases, on-site maintenance may be required but our decades of experience enable us to support your service department or, if necessary, carry out maintenance themselves when in-dept and detailed knowledge of the machines is required. You can select the option that best fits your needs.
Curious to find out which different service contracts we offer or how we can optimise your machines? Contact us at sales@marcelissen.nl and find out.