A fresh perspective: our new team members speak

A fresh perspective: our new team members speak

With every new employee joining Marcelissen, our team becomes a bit stronger and better. Over the past few months, both Ruud Meijers and Bart Huibers have joined us, respectively taking on roles as Service Engineer and Quality Control Engineer. We were curious to hear about their first few months on the job and, also very important, what keeps them busy outside of Marcelissen.

Who they are and what their first impression was

Ruud, a lively 25-year-old football enthusiast from Horst, starts his story. In addition to playing football, he also enjoys fitness. Ruud found his way to Marcelissen through Personato, where they had a job opening that perfectly matched his preferences. His initial impression of the company was positive: good conversations, an enjoyable shadowing day, and especially the compact structure with short lines appealed to him. The surprising element for Ruud was the equality within the company, where leaders and employees are on an equal footing. Each day brings variety and new challenges, leaving Ruud with a sense of satisfaction. The best advice he received from colleagues? Be yourself, actively contribute, and make your voice heard.

Bart, a 63-year-old badminton enthusiast from Belfeld, echoes Ruud’s story about the positive first months at Marcelissen. Jos Derijk offered him the opportunity to come and share his extensive experiences. Bart has traveled around the world to tackle supply chain challenges. An interesting detail is that he took up badminton as a hobby after his first visit to China! Due to the products and the company itself, Bart decided to join Marcelissen, knowing that he could have a positive impact with his knowledge and skills. What surprised Bart the most was the enthusiasm of the employees and the swift production activities. Bart’s hobbies range from long-distance walking and playing cards to attending blues rock festivals.

Marcelissen in five words (or more)

For Bart, the sense of togetherness, collegiality, and job satisfaction ensure that he goes home with a positive mindset every day. He emphasizes the kindness and appreciation he has experienced, making the work even more enjoyable. The best advice Bart received from his new colleagues? That remains undisclosed for now, but it undoubtedly contributed to his positive experiences.

If they were to describe Marcelissen in five words, Ruud would choose: short lines, growing, continuous improvement, variety, and conviviality. For Bart, it’s: customer-oriented, ambitious, family-owned, interest in personnel, and a warm welcome. Both men highlight aspects such as mutual interests, a friendly atmosphere, and the opportunity to actively contribute as characteristic of Marcelissen.

As Ruud and Bart share their stories, it becomes evident that although they represent different stages in life and experiences, they have both found their place within our family business. We are delighted to have these two professionals as part of our team.

At Marcelissen, we don’t just create impressive machines used worldwide by the food processing industry; we also form a close-knit group, a true team, where effort and individual contributions are genuinely appreciated.